
Mummy Webber Wendy $45.00 + freight 2025

Height: 11CM (Please note this measurement is the body size and doesn’t include legs)

If you would like to pre-order this Charlie Bear, please message or email   

We require a non refundable $100 pre-order deposit on all Limited Edition Plush, Plumo and Isabelle Charlie Bears. This year non-limited editions also require a minimum of a $30 or 20% pre-order deposit whichever is greater 

You will receive a message or email on arrival of the Bear and an actual photo so you can choose which one you would like.   

If lay-buying, your pre-0rder deposit will be applied but please pay another lay-buy deposit within 24 hours of notification. 

When purchasing out-right, please also pay within 24 hours of notification 

If a payment has not been made within that time the bear is returned to stock  

Mummy Webber Wendy $45.00 + freight 2025

Our Journey So Far Collection  

Charlie Bears 20th Anniversary Collection 

This Year our Bears with Personalities have travelled near and far for inspiration. You will meet Charlie Bears inspired by our very own collectors as well as bears from Outer Space. Of course returning will be some of our most beloved collectable characters as we celebrate our 20th anniversary. Our Journey Began with a collection of just 12 plush Bears. Now in 2025 as we celebrate our 20th anniversary, our plush collection is a mixture of nostalgia, with anniversary characters you may remember from years gone by many new characters that will enchant you for years to come. 

What Is Special and Unique About Charlie Bears?  

Appealing, well-crafted and affordable – that’s why Charlie Bears are so popular around the world!  

Charlie Bears have a “love me look” which entices you to want to pick them up, cuddle them and take them home! Charlie Bears’ fresh and innovative design, combining high standards in production, have created magical Teddy bears. However, with all the handwork involved in producing them Charlie Bears are still very affordable and within reach of every Teddy bear lover. 

Charlotte Morris designs the Charlie Bears at The Bearhouse headquarters which is located in the UK county of Cornwall. Charlie collaborates with other world-renowned bear artists to create different collections.  

Every year Charlotte releases a brand-new range of special limited-edition Isabelle Charlie Bears. These bears named Isabelles are a limited amount of 250 to 500 of each design.    

The Charlie Bears are handmade therefore each bear has unique characteristics. They are all known as bears with